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All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-On-4 Dental Implants Before and After Photos

Dental Implant & Veneers

All-On-Four Implants


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All-On-4 Dental Implants Adelaide

All-On-4 Dental Implants Adelaide are the ideal solution for you if you have

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Missing multiple teeth

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Uncomfortable or Poorly Fitting Dentures

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Large Gaps or Spaces between teeth

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Severely Infected Teeth or Gums

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Badly broken down, decayed or fractured teeth

Why Choose All-On-Four Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a brilliant replacement for missing teeth. Missing teeth are usually treated with dental implants, dentures or bridges. Dental implants are generally the better option when it comes to the replacement of missing teeth, but every case needs to be assessed based on its own merits, and treatment plans need to be formulated as a dynamic and informed process. Patients should ask questions and know the advantages and disadvantages of treatments based on their circumstances.

Dental implants are titanium screws in the shape of the tooth root that is placed in the jawbone surgically. After a period of implant integration or joining to the bone, the crown of the tooth can be fabricated from a mould and be placed on top of the screw. The resulting “tooth” will act, look and feel very similar to a natural tooth. Modern dental implants have surfaces that encourage bone to grow around them and hence make the procedure faster and more predictable. Smoking, tooth grinding, and poor oral hygiene are unfavourable factors when it comes to implants as they delay healing and cause infections.

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Why Choose All-On-4 Dental Implants?

Dental implant cost may seem to be a prohibiting factor in deciding how to replace missing teeth but in the long run, they may be a more economical choice than dentures or bridges. Dental implant cost can be very similar to a bridge in many instances, but the difference is that a bridge may require the cutting of teeth on either side of the gap whereas a dental implant is independent of those teeth and stands alone.

At Adelaide Cosmetic Dentistry, we work with a team of highly skilled surgeons for the placement of the implants. The aesthetic outcome of the treatment is highly dependent on the amount of bone and gum that is left and its shape and contour. Therefore, choosing a surgeon familiar with the aesthetic concepts of dentistry is of paramount importance.

We are always happy to advise you on questions that you may have. If you do have any questions about dental implants, dental implant cost or any other procedure send us an email or give us a call on (08) 8271 9771.

How All-On-4 Dental Implants Work

What can All-On-4 Dental Implants fix?

Dental implants can be an ideal solution to missing teeth. Teeth can be lost due to being infected, heavily broken down or decayed, trauma or they can be missing due to genetic reasons.

Implants can be an alternative to bridges, root canal treatment and dentures but as mentioned before each case is uniquely different and needs to be assessed accordingly.

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All-On-Four Impants – What is Involved?

Like any other dental treatment, it is important for you to know your options well. If a tooth is painful, lose or broken, it may be better for it to be replaced by an implant instead of being preserved with other treatments.

Records are taken to determine the amount of bone present in the jaw, the space available for the implant, and how the bite comes together. The surgeon then plans the surgery, according to those initial findings. The implant is placed in the jawbone and left there for integration over time. The length of the healing period depends on the quality and amount of bone and the location of the implant.

During this healing period, you may need a temporary tooth. If the implant is not in an aesthetic zone, that is if it is not visible, then it can be left alone without a temporary tooth so the tissues can heal nicely.

Once the healing period is over a permanent porcelain tooth can be put on top of the implant. An impression of the implant is taken, and a porcelain tooth is made. The fabricated tooth is tried in, and once the result is approved by both the dentist and you, it is placed permanently.

All-On-Four Impants vs Dental Implants

During this healing period, you may need a temporary tooth. If the implant is not in an aesthetic zone, that is if it is not visible, then it can be left alone without a temporary tooth so the tissues can heal nicely.

Once the healing period is over a permanent porcelain tooth can be put on top of the implant. An impression of the implant is taken, and a porcelain tooth is made. The fabricated tooth is tried in, and once the result is approved by both the dentist and you, it is placed permanently.


What are the Benefits of All-On-4 Dental Implants?

Dental implants replace a tooth, multiple teeth or give strong support to your dentures. Implants can be used in various ways to offer a fixed, long lasting and cosmetic outcome. If you have a missing tooth or teeth, implants may be the ideal result for you. Implants are the closest outcome to having your own tooth back!

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Surrounding teeth are unaffected

Since the implant is inserted into the jawbone, the adjacent teeth are not affected. A bridge requires extensive cutting of tooth for its fabrication, and it can be detrimental to the long-term health of the teeth. Again, each case has to be assessed based on its own merits.

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Improved biting pressure

Patients who have had dentures for a long time usually can only apply one-tenth the biting pressure of natural teeth. Dental implants restore the amount of biting pressure that can be withstood to nearly the same level of healthy natural teeth.

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Longevity and reliability

The success rate for dental implants is the highest of any form of dentistry. The human body recognises titanium in the same way as it does a tooth root, so the body accepts the implants. Once this integration occurs and, with proper oral hygiene and care, there are few complications.

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Preservation of bone levels

Implants behave exactly like the roots of our own teeth, serving to stimulate the bone and preserving it. Keeping the bone helps maintain our facial shape and prevents premature ageing.

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Comfort and fit

The usual problems associated with dentures that slip and slide (due to a lack of bone) like sores, poor function and clicking sounds are eliminated by dental implants because the replacement teeth are anchored securely to the implants in the jawbone.

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Increased self-confidence

At our Adelaide practice, we’ve noticed our patients who’ve had their teeth restored feel a lot better about themselves once they can smile, laugh, talk and eat again with confidence.

Our Process

1. Before4


Locations of missing teeth are carefully assessed and records are taken to detect the amount of bone present in the jaw, the space available for the implant and how the bite comes together. The surgeon then plans the surgery, according to those initial findings.

2. Surgical placement1

Placement & Assessment

Cosmetic Dental implants are placed where the teeth are missing and left in place for the bone to heal around them. After a period of healing, the dental implants are tested to make sure they are solid and healthy before a tooth is attached to them.

3. dental implant fabrication1


Moulds are taken and a tooth is fabricated to attach to the dental implant. This tooth is carefully crafted to fit the implant and the surrounding teeth precisely.

4. Final result1


Teeth are tried in and then attached to the implant once you and your dentist are happy with the results. Regular monitoring of the implants by the dentist occur every 6 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Implant dentistry is regarded as one of the best options for replacement of missing teeth and results are expected to last for decades. However, like any other dental treatments failures can occur. Implants can get infected or bone can be lost around the titanium surface. Implant crown components can break under heavy load as well. These problems are rare, but risks still exist. As always frequent check-ups and home care are of utmost importance.

Placement of the implant is done under anesthetic. Like any other surgery, discomfort can occur for a short period of time postoperatively. Usual painkillers may be needed for the initial healing period.

Intravenous sedation for nervous patients may be sufficient, however, some surgeons prefer to place implants in the mouth under general anesthetic. In many instances, implant surgery is done in the chair and under local anesthesia only. Each case needs to be assessed individually.

Implant cost varies depending on the type of implant, its location and whether a graft needs to be done. Each case needs to be quoted accordingly.

Though some companies advocate this, you have to bear in mind that Australia has one of the highest standards of dentistry anywhere in the world. If an implant fails due to fracture or infection, fixing it will cost a lot more and will be far more traumatic.

In most cases, once the surgery is complete a period of healing needs to pass before a crown is placed. This is usually a minimum of 6 weeks.

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